Chong Park

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“Considerable personality and elegant musicality”
Bernard Holland – The New York Times

The first Korean Pianist who performed the complete Etudes d’exécution transcendante by Liszt, pianist Chong Park began his fame as a Liszt Specialist. He recorded the complete Etudes d’exécution transcendante, 6 Paganini Etueds, the b minor Sonata and many other great works by Liszt. Studied with a legendary Russian Pianist Lazar Berman, in Imola, Italy, and also at The Juilliard School in New York, with Seymour Lipkin, pianist Chong Park began his career at age of 15, with his debut with Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, playing Tchaikovsky’s first piano concerto. Born in Seoul Korea, Mr. Park began playing the piano at age of 5, the violin at age of 3. Since the debut, he has performed with The Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra and almost every major orchestras in Korea, and many well known foreign orchestras as well such as St. Petersburg symphony, Brno Philharmonic, Slovakian philharmonic, Concentus
Hungaricus Budapest, I Virtuosi Italiani, Sanremo symphony orchestra, Kaunas chamber orchestra and so on. Chong Park is also a renowned composer in Korea. In 2015, his first piano concerto, which was a huge success, was composed and premiered at Seoul Arts Center, playing himself as soloist, with Korean Symphony Orchestra. His compositions are often heard in TV dramas, documentaries and from many radio stations. His activities go beyond a normal pianist’s: playing as an actor in TV drama series, a radio DJ of Korean National Broadcasting system and narrator and host of a documentary film. The first prize winner of SANREMO CLASSICO 2000, Sanremo, Italy, Mr. Park extends his performing activities in Italy and Europe playing regularly in many festivals and seasons in different venues around the world., including The Carnegie Hall, Berlin Philharmonic Hall, Saint Petersburg Philharmonia, Teatro Olimpico of Roma. Mr. Park plays chamber music with some great artist from the world. He has given acclaimed concerts with Richard Stolzman, Charles Neidich, members of Berlin Philharmonic Ensemble to name a few. His Performances also have been broadcasted numerous times through RAI (Italian national Broadcasting company) and of course KBS(Korean national broadcasting company) and uncountable local TV and Radio Stations. He has been actively performing as a member of Duo Vivid, a four hands duo formed with a prominent pianist Chiharu Aizawa. This husband and wife duo’s creative arrangements and performances are very distinguishable from other ordinary piano duos. They have recorded and premiered many original transcriptions of four hands piano pieces. He has recorded more than 20 albums from various labels and is now head of piano department at Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Korea


16 August – 22 August

The course will be dedicated to the study and improvement of the great concert repertoire.
The timetable and the operation of the course will be defined by the professor according to the composition of the class.

The organization reserves the right to make some scholarships available to the most deserving students, to be assigned at the end of the course and at the discretion of the teachers.
For all information regarding registration methods and fees click HERE.
For the SELECTIONS “Perform as a Soloist with the Orchestra” and “Perform with the Artists” in the concert program of this year’s Festival click HERE.