Jürgen Franz


Jürgen Franz is one of the most varied flutists of his generation. He studied in the Music-University of Frankfurt and Stuttgart. Further studies brought him to Maxence Larrieu and Sir James Galway. Jürgen Franz is Flute Professor of the Music University Hamburg (Musikhochschule Hamburg). He was a member of the Bielefeld and the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra. Now he is a member of the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra Hamburg. Jürgen Franz played as Solo-flutist in the Philharmonic Orchestra from “La Scala di Milano”, the Richard Wagner Festival Orchestra in Bayreuth and the “Symphonica Toscanini”, where Lorin Maazel invited him to play as Solo-flutist. He also was a frequently guest in the Berlin Philharmonic. As soloist and chambermusician he toured worldwide and is seen frequently at the european Flute Festivals and in the Jury of international Flute Competitions.


22 August – 27 August

The course will focus on: flutist technique, preparation for international competitions and auditions in orchestra.
The timetable of the course will be defined by the professor according to the composition of the class.
The course provides a piano accompanist (only on request at the time of registration).

The organization reserves the right to make some scholarships available to the most deserving students, to be assigned at the end of the course and at the discretion of the teachers.
For all information regarding registration methods and fees click HERE.
For the SELECTIONS “Perform as a Soloist with the Orchestra” and “Perform with the Artists” in the concert program of this year’s Festival click HERE.