Lorenzo Micheli

Micheli 2

Lorenzo Micheli has taken up a busy concert career throughout the world since winning the first prize in some of the most prestigious international guitar competitions (Alessandria, Guitar Foundation of America). He has played all over Europe, in over 300 cities around North America, in Africa, Asia, Australia and Latin America, as a soloist and with orchestra. Since 2002 he has been performing worldwide in duo with Matteo Mela – under the name of “SoloDuo” – in such venues as New York’s Carnegie Hall, Seoul’s Sejong Hall, Helsinki’s Musiikkitalo, Kiev’s Hall of Columns, Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw and Vienna’s Konzerthaus. Their duo was welcomed by “The Washington Post” as “extraordinarily sensitive – nothing less than rapturous”. Lorenzo lives in Milan, Italy, where he studied Greek and Latin literature at the University of Milan. He is Head of Graduate Studies and Guitar Professor at the University School of Music in Lugano, Switzerland, and he is Artist in Residence at both the University of Colorado Boulder and Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia. His CD recordings include the music of Dionisio Aguado, the Quartets, op. 19, by François de Fossa, the Sonatas by Viennese composer Ferdinand Rebay, a CD of 17th Century Italian music for baroque guitar, archlute and theorbo, a collection of Arias and Cantatas by Alessandro Scarlatti, the complete guitar Concertos and the 24 Preludes and Fugues for two guitars by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, a double CD of chamber masterpieces by Mauro Giuliani, the complete guitar works of Miguel Llobet, Antoine de Lhoyer’s Duos Concertants, three anthologies of music for two guitars (“Noesis”, “Solaria” and “Metamorphoses”), Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s “Morning in Iowa” (with David Knopfler) and the album “Autumn of the Soul”. His latest project, “Beethoven for Two”, was released in April 2019 by Decca. Lorenzo records exclusively for Decca-Universal Music. For further info, please visit www.lorenzomicheli.com and www.soloduo.it


16 August – 22 August

The course is open to all those who wish to focus on the original repertoire for guitar, from the Renaissance works for 4-course guitar to modern and contemporary literature.
Stylistic issues and historical techniques will be investigated and discussed as the core of any knowledgeable performance.
The timetable and the operation of the course will be defined by the professor according to the composition of the class.

The organization reserves the right to make some scholarships available to the most deserving students, to be assigned at the end of the course and at the discretion of the teachers.
For all information regarding registration methods and fees click HERE.
For the SELECTIONS “Perform as a Soloist with the Orchestra” and “Perform with the Artists” in the concert program of this year’s Festival click HERE.