Quartetto Klimt

1 September – 7 September
The course is open to groups (duo, trio, quartet, quintet and sextets) with or without piano. Also individual instrumentalists may enroll and form groups during the course. In case of registration as an ensemble, fill in an application form for each member, specifying, in the appropriate section of the form online, the name of the belonging ensemble and Name, Surname, instrument of each member.
The timetable and the operation of the course will be defined by the professors according to the composition of the class.
The organization reserves the right to make some scholarships available to the most deserving students, to be assigned at the end of the course and at the discretion of the teachers.
For all information regarding registration methods and fees click HERE.
For the SELECTIONS “Perform as a Soloist with the Orchestra” and “Perform with the Artists” in the concert program of this year’s Festival click HERE.