The courses of the Livorno Music Festival are open to graduate musicians, senior year students, and students of any age or nationality, as long as they have previously applied for registration to the “Associazione Amici della Musica di Livorno”. The Festival cannot accept responsibility for students under the age of 18; they should bring a letter from parents/guardians acknowledging this. Applicants are invited to read the Statute of the Association on the website.
Enrolments will be accepted according to the date on which they are received, except specific regulations described on the page of each course. When the classes are full, students will be placed on a waiting list which will be published.
The timetable of the lectures will be established depending on the needs and the composition of the class. The teacher is free to lead the class in total freedom, always respecting the needs of the enrolled students. At least 4 lessons are guaranteed for each student except specific regulations described on the page of each course. Every active student is allowed to listen to the Festival concerts benefiting from the special rate reserved for them upon reservation.
Attendance at a masterclass for a period shorter than the one provided for each individual course must be authorized by the course secretariat (upon approval by the instructor).
The association has the right to dismiss from courses, students who are disrespectful of the regulations, didactic or administrative and for any misconduct.
For all the information regarding the enrollment and fees please visit the page of the menu Conditions for Registration and Fees.
Every fee includes:
membership fee for the Associazione AML, definitive attendance to the selected course/s, permission to join all course as an external auditor, entrance at a special rate for concerts hosted by the Livorno Music Festival, permission to use practice rooms, with or without piano, didactic assistance, accident insurance and public-liability insurance, release of certificate of attendance and diplomas.
Students are invited to specify on the application form the list of musical pieces that they would like to play during the course, indicating the edition.
For those who request a piano accompanist, please specify in the registration application all the pieces (maximum 2) that you intend to play during the course, indicating the relative editions and sending the copy of the piano parts to the secretariat, at the time of registration. A piano accompanist is assigned after the completion of a contract, remember that it must be requested, by paying the relevant fee, at the same time as sending the registration application. The pieces with piano accompaniment included in the application can only be modified by the deadline for registration.
Each student selected to play in the Festival concerts has to bring with him his own music stand and concert suit.
Students are allowed to use, when available and according to time table, any classrooms with or without piano.
Costs for room and board rely on the students who stay in the Hotels arranged for them.
For all information please visit the web page Where to Stay.
During the Festival, public concerts will be organised for the students OVER 18, where the chosen ones will be offered the privileged of performing in concert with the teachers, and, on completion, certificates of attendance will be released. These concerts are to be considered as an integral part of the courses, for this reason any kind of reimbursement will be given to the attending students in payment.
The organization will make scholarships available to the best students at the sole discretion of the teachers.
There is a possibility for the best students to be selected to take part in Livorno Music Festival’s concert seasons and/or other musical institutions.
For all the other opportunities offered by the Festival to Instrumentalists, chamber music groups, singers and composers like the selections for Performing as a Soloist with the Orchestra in the Festival Concert Program, Performing with the Artists in the Festival Concert Program, Recital at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole, Sir Maxwell Davies Prize, Direct access to the Veretti Competition, please, visit the page Selections for Awards.
During the Festival there will be a coordination point and Secretariat of the Association at the Pietro Mascagni State Conservatory of Music in Via Galileo Galilei 40, 57122, Livorno LI.
The locations of the courses are the P. Mascagni State Conservatory of Music in via Galileo Galilei 40, 57122, Livorno, the Fortezza Vecchia in Piazzale dei Marmi, 57126 Livorno, the Livorno Foundation in piazza Grande, 23, Livorno. The locations are also easily reachable on foot or by bus from the train station.
The city of Livorno is approximately 20 minutes by train and bus from Pisa “Galileo Galilei” Airport, approximately 60 minutes by train, or by car and bus from the city of Florence along the Florence-Pisa-Livorno highway.
Right of withdrawal
As stated in the D.lgs. 185 of 22/05/1999 following the Directive D97/7/CE, students can withdraw from the contract within 10 days after the contract has been signed, by sending a fax to the Association with an attached letter with Acknowledgement of receipt within a prior 48 hours. For whatever reason you wish to terminate the contract we expect it to be reconsidered, if not you will be fully reimbursed.
Master class sold out
The amount paid will be fully refunded if the chosen course is already full.
Cancellation of the course
Students will be refunded if the course is cancelled due to external reasons or if the enrolled number is less then the minimum of four students. Student may decide to freeze the paid amount for up to the following two years in order to join another course offered by the Association.
The Association Amici della Musica di Livorno has a reserved faculty to deal with any modifications of the regulations. Any person interested will be promptly informed.
Joining the festival means abiding by all regulations.
In case of dispute the attested language is Italian.
By sending the application, the candidate signs the Festival regulations and declares that he has read the Privacy Regulations on this site.
Livorno (Italy), 26th of January 2025
Associazione Amici della Musica di Livorno